Air logistics Export & Import

Our air logistics one of the fastest and most efficient ways of transporting goods across the globe. Our air logistics import and export services involve the management of the entire supply chain process, from the transportation of goods to customs clearance and delivery.

Import and related services:

International freight forwarding:
This involves the organization and coordination of the shipment of goods from the point of origin to the final destination.

Customs clearance:
This involves the processing of import documentation and compliance with import regulations.

This involves the storage and handling of imported goods before they are released for distribution.

This involves the delivery of goods to their final destination, including any necessary transportation and delivery arrangements.

Export services include the following:

International freight forwarding:
This involves the organization and coordination of the shipment of goods from the point of origin to the final destination.

Customs clearance:
This involves the processing of export documentation and compliance with export regulations.

Packaging and labeling:
This involves ensuring that goods are packaged and labeled in compliance with international shipping standards.

This involves the storage and handling of exported goods before they are shipped.

This involves the movement of goods from the warehouse to the airport, and the subsequent loading onto an aircraft. Overall, our air logistics import and export services are designed to provide businesses with a fast, efficient, and reliable way to transport their goods across the globe.

  • Forwarding
  • Door To Door Delivery
  • Time Bound Services
  • Handling Dangerous Cargo
  • Fastest Transit Arrangement
  • Fixed business agreement for space & rates commitment with any Air Lines